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Post ReleaseGone are the days of going to "Cartimar" and haggling for the lowest price, We're bringing it to you
Heads up everyone because your Cartimar needs are going online! PetBox PH is finally in town! PetBox PH is a mobile application store where you have access to top tier quality pet products without the hidden charges. We now officially have a one stop shop for your Cartimar needs.
Attention all pet owners and pet lovers! A new biz is finally in town and they’re playing with everybody’s pets! From the biggest fur pup to the most adorable fur cat, everyone’s fussing about whose making their pets this happy!
It’s been said that a happy pet is always up and about and healthy. Every pet owner and pet enthusiast know the struggle of always having to make that daily effort to achieve this for their fur babies. From every pet’s daily grooming, to their daily health diets, to daily activities and daily health needs. Sometimes it becomes tedious but nothing beats having to see every pet giving out the happiest woof and the sweetest purr.
But, let’s be honest. Everything we buy for our pets can get super expensive. On top of that, the hassle and inconvenience from going out of our houses to buy their needs can add up to our expenses and take up a lot of our time. As much as we love our pets, sometimes it really does take a toll on our pockets and watches. But this is where PetBox PH comes in, PetBox PH is a digital online store that serves you a variety of products for your doggos and cattos!
To be able to see and avail what they have in store, they have their own application that can be easily downloaded in our mobile phones. Their application is available on both Google Play Store and Apple App Store!
Basically, PetBox PH is a pet business who aims to become the instrument of convenience and quality product prices to serve every pet owner, and every pet in town.
But what makes PetBox PH different from other digital and physical stores? Well, PetBox PH offers a whole lot of convenience because you can basically save more time from getting your pet’s needs because with their application, you can click what you need for your pet without spending a lot of time traveling from your house to the market just to get your pet care items. In addition to that, PetBox PH also has their own delivery system which prioritizes every customer’s needs rather than having to book a courier to bring your items to your house. Basically, they offer products that have lower than the usual market price and affordable delivery charges from their own store so that you won’t have to haggle for a cheaper price in your local physical stores and collect discount codes or vouchers to book a courier. They provide everything your pet needs in just one click.
So if you’re a pet owner who wants to save more money and more time but still give your fur babies the best, PetBox PH is for you. They have partnered with a lot of pet brands such as Whiskas, Pedigree, Royal Canin and many more to give you the best of the best. To see more of what they have in store, you can just go ahead and download their application today!
Download the PetBox App Here!
Apple App store
Google Play Store
Ralph Caluya
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